Please support our campaign to #EndTheDelays

The signs and symptoms of blood cancer are being missed for far too many people. In too many cases, people with blood cancer face waits of months, sometimes years, before they get a diagnosis. And this failure to spot the vital warning signs is leading to avoidable delays in getting the right diagnosis.

This has potentially devastating consequences for their quality of life and survival. We’re campaigning to end delays to diagnosis for everyone with blood cancer across the UK.

Delays to diagnosis can lead to people with blood cancer:

  • Dying early
  • Being burdened with long-term side effects
  • Suffering with the emotional impact

This is our chance to tell the Government to prioritise improving blood cancer diagnosis. We are calling for two major changes in the healthcare system for people with blood cancer.

We want the Government to commit to:

  • A decrease in the proportion of people with blood cancer who have three or more GP appointments before being diagnosed in the next five years
  • A reduction in the number of people diagnosed via emergency admissions fall to meet the average for other cancers

How can you support our work?

Our voice is only as loud as the number of people we’re talking on behalf of.

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Thanks for posting this campaign, yes, so important and those photos show the stark realities, I have signed up