Marie Curie Nurses

Were/are Marie Curie involved in your care or the care of a loved one? Were you aware of them?

They have some information of what to expect from a Marie Curie nurse here -

Do you have some insights or thoughts to share?

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Thanks Dawn, it is really helpful to know what to expect from the range of Marie Curie nurses, they are so wonderful and are there when they are needed most. They are so vital for patients to be able to stay in their own homes and also to lift the heavy load from families, carers and friends.

Hiya I’m Jay ( Jean ) I was just reading about Marie Curie Nurses , I got out of hospital on September , was told a specialist cancer nurse would contact me , I don’t have 1 have never heard from her , but apparently her name is Angela as the hospital said she had filled out forms for me , 2 weeks ago I called the hospital to see if I could speak with her , no one has got back to me , since being discharged from hospital I’ve been struggling myself and only got counseling started 2 weeks ago , how would I know if I needed a Marie Curie Nurse ? Any help you be appreciated

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Hello@Jay ,I was reading your post re a Marie Curie Nurse and you say the Hospital filled in forms for you and you havent heard since 2 week’s ago. It would be useful for you to know who you were reffered to and especially as you say you are struggling,thats not good .Would you call your GP to perhaps chase it up for you ?The GP I think would be best to know the kind of support you would need.I hope you can find out soon .Marie Curie Nurses offer Nursing Care ,a specialist Cancer Nurse I think has a different role eg a Macmillan Nurse,they have a helpline too. In the meantime the BCUK helpline is here.MarieCurie also have a helpline and they could help with any questions you may have about if you needed their care .
I dont know if that is a help but I can understand that waiting isnt helpful .
All the best

Hi @Jay i am really sorry to hear about your experiences of Marie Curie Nurses.
That is brilliant that you have started counselling it has really helped me in the past.
Perhaps it was when you were first discharged that you really the help and support.
You must have felt so isolated and struggling when you were first discharged but you have always had this goal of getting your lovely boys back to work towards.
Be kind to yourself

Evening Bannanacake , Thank you for your post , since leaving hospital all I seem to get is the wrong advice or mixed up messages , I’m finding it hard as a hospital dealing with cancer patients can’t reply to us ,
Some days I’m fine and I can cope and other days I feel like a crumbling wreck , I popped into out local hospice as that’s what was referred to me and they said they would get someone to call me… I picked my son up from the care home & we’ve spent the day together , I’ll be taking him back as he’s due his meds at or around 8pm , I’ll Keep in contact with you , thanks again Xx


Oh @Jay I think so many of us feel that some days we’re fine and we can cope some days and other days we feel like crumbling wrecks, my emotions never osculated as much before my diagnosis.

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